First ARC Review

I got the most delightful set of texts from one of my pre-readers. It really made my day and encouraged me to continue pushing ahead with getting marketing set up and really ‘launching’ this book instead of just listing it on Amazon and letting it go.

well, to preface, I read at 2:30am (while nursing), that said simply, “Torture scene, *nauseated face*. Have to put it down now to sleep”. I realized I hoped I hadn’t overdone the ‘realness’ of one or two scenes as I’m not really writing for a thriller market, but more the cultural-crime scene (if that exists). I don’t want my ideal readers to put it down because they all of a sudden think it’s a lot more gruesome than it is.
I wrote her a text back early this morning, “Don’t worry, the scene is mostly talking, and hardly anything happens before the camera pans away”.

Later in my day she texted back, “ok, good :p” and then, “My kindle says I’m more than 50% through, and I’m loving it! I can’t put it down!”

For reference — this book printed is 609 pages, so to be over half-way in is already 300 pages. In a weekend! I was thrilled. One can do a lot for friends because one feels obligated to. But reading 300 pages in a weekend feels authentic, even if she does know me. Completely unbidden by me, she said that she loved how I explained the daily/current cultural aspects of China and being in Beijing, and how I wove that into the story.

Which was great to hear. I wanted it to be a crime and exciting read, but my purpose to write it was rooted also in the desire to make something that brought China to outsiders – to people who don’t get to live there or who have no personal experience with it. It is a fiercely interesting country, and there is so much about it that really is story worthy. So that she enjoyed that, especially as someone who ostensibly has no particular fore-interest in Asia, was great to hear.

“Is there a sequel coming??” — again, just what a good author wants to hear, unbidden.
“I’m starting work on the sequel, whose plot is IMO, even stronger than this one.”
“*happy dance*”

What a boost to a modest writers day. So much of my work has been in my little cave, with at most collaboration from my editor. To finally emerge into the sunlight and allow other people to see what I’ve been doing, and to have them give such honest feeling feedback, is a huge boost.  *glasses of champagne clinking*